Kwa ufupi:
Farmers have always used information about wind and weather to know when to plant and
harvest. Recent development and dissemination of advanced technological tools at an
affordable price have resulted in both large and small-scale farmers having new and more
precise tools to produce more with less (Global Opportunity Report, 2016).
These Tools makes the farming smarter by producing more with less, lead to increase
productivity, profit as well as reduce the use of water, fertilizer and other farm inputs.
All these technologies allow for the farmer to use the inputs – including water and fertilizers
well. As the price of inputs rising high, this seems to be a good solution
Moreover, minimizing the use of fertilizers can significantly reduce greenhouse gas
Smart farming is also an opportunity in cities. In urban areas, lack of vacant plots of land is
driving more and more urban farmers to produce food upwards on the side of buildings rather
than outwards. Even today, urban agriculture produces 15 to 20 percent of the world's food
supply and plays a major role in global food security (Global Opportunity Report, 2016).